Saturday, February 04, 2006


Here it is, another Saturday morning. And I am at work. I really don't want to be here. Do I ever though? We have been open for almost 2 hours and between the 3 of us, have almost had 20 custmers. Makes being here even worse. If I have to be here (for the 2nd Saturday in a row), at least the cusotmers can show up.

My foot hurts this morning. I am beginning to wonder, since I am walking on it more now, does it hurt because it's injured? OR does it hurt because I am forced to step funny because of the brace? I want to take the splint off badly, but I am scared I am not ready, soooo....I leave it on. I am down to one crutch though, and I don't think I really even need that. I don't really use it, but have it just in case.

I discovered the show 'Dead Like Me' last night. I think I am in love. It's not at all what I expected. It's funny when you don't expect it to be. I don't know why I am shocked I like this. It seems lately I am into anything involving the dead, zombies or any kind of afterlife.

It's movie weekend in my world. Today a bunch of us are taking in 'Syriana' and 'Brokeback Mountain'. If I can figure out how to do it, I am also going to try and see 'Walk The Line'. I also have 'War of the worlds' at home on loan from Brother Joe and am pretty excited to see that as well.

I have been working on this post for 90 minutes. The only thing that has changed is that my foot is throbbing so bad, that I can hear it in my head.

Since I can't seem inspired to write something worth saying, I should go.


Adams Avenue said...

Go to the doc. Its probably broken, hun.

Girl Next Door said...

Thanks darlings. I don't think it's broken.....just slightly bent.

Mark said...

I have never known adult bones to "slightly bend"