Sunday, February 12, 2006

He Won The Lottery And Died The Next Day...

So work pretty much blows right now. I am not discreet at all about my venom for that place. Despite everything, it's been detirmined that I need to stay for financial reasons. At least for right now. I have made peace with the fact that this is my life now.

Tonight I am at the laundry. I make the mistake of flipping through the local papers while waiting. In both papers, is a job at the Sherrif's department that I am more then qualified for and pays nearly $2 more an hour then I am currently making.

It's not fair. The odds that a similiar job is available in mid-April is very slim.

And that makes me sad.

Oh well. I mean my job is ok too. They hate me and tomorrow I have to work 7.30-6. Sweet.


Joe said...

Isn't it ironic? Don'cha think?

HST said...

Why not apply for the sherrif's department and then if they call they call, if they don't they don't? You don't have to quit one before you start another......

Girl Next Door said...

And Ironically, I did not win the lottery. But no one else did either. So WAHOO!!

Dirty Bunny said...

Why would you have to wait for mid April to get a different job?

Girl Next Door said...

I currently owe on a loan against me 401k that should I leave the bank, I would have to pay in full.