Thursday, June 02, 2005

Pick-Up Line Of The Week...

This week's cheesy goodness comes from my own life.

So I was at the gas station washing up Dessa, because a clear car is a happy car and I am approached with the following line, "There's something sexy about a woman who knows her way around a big hose."

My jaw hit the ground. I promptly got in my car and drove away, I was too creeped to even finish washing my car. It's really spotty due to the fact that it never got rinsed off.


Mark said...

I don't think there was any reason to run off. Serial rapists don't use cheesy pickup lines.

What's wrong with you? You could've christened the new house!

Girl Next Door said...

Maybe Annie and I should have a contest as to who can christen the new house first. After all, she's already had her ex-boyfriend there.