Monday, June 06, 2005

Adventures In Moving...

I keep losing posts and I find it very annoying.

Sunday night we had our very frist surprise company. Sally, Todd, and Brett came over. It was cool, they showed up with beer. I think I might even have a few cans left.

The quote of the night came from Brett: "I am comfortable with my sexuality, but that man has some big balls." Taken out of context it seems almost dirty. If you want to know the story...well...ask Brett. It's his story about another man's balls.

By the end of the night, Brett and I made a little barter transaction. He took my super cool copy of X-men on DVD and I in turn get his computer. It's cool, so much of our stuff has been donated. Our couch, entertainment center, both chairs, soon to be computer, and thanks to MrsGiggles' mom, a working digital camera. I am really blessed.

So who wants to donate some frozen chicken breasts?


Alissa said... chicken boobs from me, I gave you a garbage can! :-) Think that beats the computer?!

Girl Next Door said...

LOL, well a pink IKEA garbage can is just as cool.