Saturday, June 04, 2005

Murphy's Law...

...States that if you are planning on moving a sofa in an uncovered pickup truck, it will start to rain 5 minutes before you plan to do so.

This is really an Adventures In Moving post, but I just liked the other title today.

Well, today the redneck brother offered the assistance of his pick-up. So here I am thinking, rock on! And he offered to assemble everything that needed assembly. So loaded up a ton of stuff from my Mom's and we were off. He is starting to assemble the over the toilet storage rack and sees that directions are for something completely different. If it were me, I would have just cried then. He instead pushed ahead....and didn't get it assembled. LOL he had way too many parts and it wobbled a great deal. Then I cried. So we decieded that it would have to be returned to get on with correct directions. He then though...I will hook up the DVD player and such. Well, can you guess what happened? That's right, I needed _________ adapter. Don't ask me what it was, but it had to be gotten at Radio Shack. And you would imagine that with working there last summer, I would be able to hook up my own DVD player, and the correct response to that is ....UH....NO. So he was off to RS and I was off to Wal-mart.

We then headed out to get the couch, because it was hardly raining anymore. And that actually went smoothly shockingly.

But I didn't get nearly as much done as I had intended. So I am a little bummed. But it's almost looking like a house now.

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