Thursday, June 16, 2005

100 Things About Me...

I started this a month ago....MrsGiggles, Kiki, and Digi had to pitch in...

1. I was born in 1980
2. I lived in my momma's house until I was 24.67
3. I still live there for about 10 days (I moved out June 1)
4. I am already dreading it, even thou I am being told not too
5. I have 2 dogs that I can't take with me, Sable and Buttons
6. I have a gerbil that I can take with me, Phoebe
7. I suffer from the middle child syndrome. I am sandwiched between 2 brothers, one that I favor far more then the other.
8. I am trapped in a thankless banking job
9. I am a recent victim of downsizing from said thankless job
10. I am over-worked
11. ...And under-paid
12. ...And considering getting a 2nd job again
13. My favorite movie of all time is Sixteen Candles
14. I got my driver's license in 2001
15. I got my 1st car in 2004
16. I totaled my 1st car in 2004
17. I got my 2nd car in 2004
18. I got my 3rd in 2005
19. I am addicted to the show Friends
20. ...And American Idol
21. ...And Las Vegas
22. ...And Alias
23. ...And Will and Grace
24. ...And House
25. ...And ER
26. I have never seen an Indiana Jones movie all the way through
27. ...or a Star Wars movie
28. ...or a James Bond movie
29. I have a purse fetish (that's the only way to describe it)
30. My favorite stores include: Lane Bryant
31. ...Bath and Body Works
32. ...Barnes and Nobles
33. ...Target
34. ...Goodwill
35. ...Dollar Tree
36. ...and Ikea!!!!
37. I am too old to like Hello Kitty as much as I do
38. I think you are defined by the company you keep
39. ...and that makes me lucky
40. I have regrets
41. There are things I would have done differently.
42. I could benefit from therapy
43. ...or medication
44. ...or both
45. I always carry my camera
46. I scrapbook in my free time
47. I named every car I owned
48. I am terrified of thunderstorms
49. I hate the cold weather
50. But love the snow
51. I have never had Rocky Road ice cream
52. ...But love Vanilla
53. My favorite McDonald's food is the Double Cheeseburger
54. I find British humor to be very funny
55. I love zombie movies
56. I have a secret crush (and it's not THE dirty secret)
57. I love reading chick lit
58. ...And Harry Potter
59. I can't think of 100 things about me.

60-69 contributed by Kiki (in her own words)

60. I refuse to floss
61. I like meatheads
62. I don't wear underwear on Mondays
63. I take other people's shoes off at work
64. I know every detail of Kiki's love life
65. My favorite color is pink
66. I am not very deep I can only get to # 59 on my own
67. I don't like chocolate cake
68. ...But I ate it anyways
69. I hold a world record for IQ (I am not saying whether she means high or low)

Back to me....

70. I wish I had stayed in school
71. I am ALWAYS on the phone
72. I over think (lol go ahead laugh, I did) everything
73. um, Yeah, I am going to go ahead and say that I think Office Space is the coolest movie ever
74. I break cellphones
75. I don't drink coffee
76. ...but I love the smell
77. I can't stand cinnamon air freshener/candles
78. I have no less then 50 Bonnie Bell lipglosses
79. I have 62 purses

80-99 contributed by MrsGiggles (in her own words)

80. …FUN!
81. …so thoughtful.
82. …afraid to fail.
83. …witty.
84. …finally driving!
85. …there for me to talk to when I need her.
86. …a little bit of a computer nerd.
87. …sporting a new hair-do all the time.
88. …tolerant of others.
89. …for some unknown reason obsessed with Hello Kitty!
90. …always doing something for someone else.
91. …overly cautious.
92. …SO FUNNY!
93. …very intelligent.
94. …a BAD influence when I go shopping with her!
95. …brave for flying alone.
96. …influencing me to start a scrapbook.
97. …always shopping at Hallmark.
98. …helpful in any way she can.
99. …my best girlfriend!

And Thanks to Digi for #100 (be scared)...

100. deathly afraid that he might tell the "THANKSGIVING" store on is blog. (it's true...I am)


Joe said...

I got bored reading this at about #5. Did I miss anything I didn't already know about you?

Girl Next Door said...

I am very deep you know...I am like an onion....Layers, it's all about the layers...

Alissa said...

I thought it was entertaining...