Tuesday, June 28, 2005

I Can't Believe It...

I cannot believe that I have not told the story about the Nagging Neighbors. They are something else.

So Nagging Nagging Neighbor #1 (NN1) is loud and in your face. This girl has no concept of personal space or boundries. I made the mistake of making small talk with her. Now we are best buds. I cringe. Nagging Neighbor #2 is the poor soul that NN1 managed to get her hooks into. Nice enough guy, but never shuts up. Means really well, but doesn't know when to stop.

One day when I was on the phone with MrsGiggles, and we were chatting up a storm only to be interuptted by NN1. The conversation went something like this.

"Umm, Junegirl, you have been on the phone with me for quite sometime. I know you didn't answer the door. Now, how is it that your neighbor is standing in your kitchen yelling at you for being on the phone? Did she just let herself in?"


Now another day. I had the back door open with a fan in the door sucking in some semi-cool air. NN1 saw me standing at the stove and let herself into the kitchen. 10 mins later she is still there.

One night, she comes over for some small talk (I assumed). 5 hours later, I am still looking at her. Ate dinner with her. Looking to kill her.

One day I am not feeling well, had some dental work done (I told you about that, right?). Well, anyway, not feeling really well because dentists have that effect. NN2 knew I was home, but the blinds were closed and the door was locked. I am laying on the couch drifting in and out of awareness, and all of a sudden I hear the door knob. Followed by NN2's voice. "Is this door locked? Why is the door locked?" OMG!!!

Today, I was slinking out my door to check the mail (I am a sad little person, there was none). And there they were "Hi Nieghbor. Nice hair." (I had just woken up, not pretty). NN1 invited herself over tonight. It's ashame I am sitting here at my Mom's typing this to you.

So I am sure there will be more to this story, as I have a year lease. But now you know what I am dealing with.

*Good thing I emailed a copy of this post to myself at work, it wasn't a total loss then.


Mark said...

Neither can I, this is your best post yet!

Girl Next Door said...

Shush your face punk!

And that's a used joke...

I don't know why I bother posting from my momo's they always get lost.

Alissa said...

Must not have been important cuz you still haven't told us!

Alissa said...

lmao...sorry, it popped up right after I posted my sassy message!

I just love those people...they will keep you on your toes. Just be happy you don't have an old lady neighbor that feeds curdling milk to stray cats that piss all over your door mat!

Girl Next Door said...

Is that from T Lane?

Alissa said...

right on!

Not to mention the fact that she then dented my car door backing out of her spot because a bee flew in her car!

Girl Next Door said...

I so remember now...

Joe said...

This makes me warm and tingly.