Monday, June 27, 2005

I Don't Think You're Ready For This Jelly...

I am feeling zombie-lious (I am it's spelled wrong, and I just don't care).

Tonight, Digi and possibly Squidward and I are taking in a showing of Land of the Dead.


In other movie news, I finally finished The Talented Mr. Ripley. Strange.

Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous: Cute. Nothing is ever as good as the 1st.


Gordy said...

If you want to see a good Zombie movie, you should check out a British one called Shaun Of The Dead, it is good and graphic, whilst at the same time very funny.

Joe said...

Juicy? 'sup with that?

Gordy - We've seen Shaun of The Dead. Repeatedly. I dragged her over to my house about a year ago to watch a bootleg copy I downloaded. (This was before the US DVD release. We've both bought our copies since then.)

With the possible exception of the original Dawn of The Dead, Shaun is easily my favorite zombie movie. It's so light-hearted, and yet it stays very true to Romero's ideals.

Girl Next Door said...

Kiki - I sent it out already.

Gordy - Big Shaun of the Dead fan. I made Kiki watch it.

Digi - I am so let down by Land of the Dead

Joe said...

Ah, it wasn't so bad. It wasn't exactly a classic, but it's been growing on me the more I think about it.