I am not going to lie. I have been having a pretty hard time at work lately. My foot has actually proved to be quite the problem for my employers. I hurted myself on Tuesday night. I was scheduled off on Wednesday. I called in Thursday. I came to work Friday, Saturday and Monday. I got an email from them on Monday stating that they expected me to stand. I am sorry, but I have bruising on the bottom of my foot. Standing gets tough. I was dealing with some dampness issues inside the splint on Monday from my shower that was causing me a great deal of discomfort. So, since I was feeling ok, I cut my splint off on Monday night.
Tuesday I went to put my shoe on, too swollen to wear my work shoes. I called and asked if I could wear sneakers, and they seemed understanding. I get to work and I was told that I could not be there without a release to work. I was confused. Why would I need a release to work, if I was never pulled from work? So off I went to the doctor.
My doctor is 30 mins north of here, an issue that they were none to pleased with. I am sorry, but I am going to see my regular doctor. Isn't this what they wanted?
I get back to work, and I have not even cleared the reception desk and they are already on me about my release form. Good heavens, at least let me get to my station. My doctor sent a note saying that basically, I am to sit as long as I am in pain until I go back in 8 days to be re-evaluated. My doctor also warned me, that since the incident didn't happen at work, my employer was not legally bound by my restrictions. However, most employers have a soul, and are understanding. I do not have one of those employers. I was confronted almost instantly about this. I explain that the doctor was concerned about the bruising on the bottom of my feet.
I was promptly imformed that they were concerned because I do not have a sit-down job. I am scheduled 7 days between now and my follow-up. I guess I thought, that it would be less of an inconvience to my employers if I came to work everyday, as opposed to having to cover my shifts everyday for 2 weeks. But what do I know? The rest of the afternoon, I was treated like I was the carrier of the avian flu. No one spoke to me, I recieved cold stares from management, and I was flat-out ignored when I spoke to them.
I try to stand, I really do. But I tend to bear all my weight on my good foot, causing that foot to frequently go numb. And that hurts. So I sit, but because they aren't in my position, it doesn't matter. I just wonder if how they are re-acting is legal? I should look into some OSHA stuff.
I wonder how much of this I can take. I like my job, I like
most of my co-workers. Outside of work, I like my supervisors. Godzilla, the office manager is actually what makes this job quite unbearable. She has these terrible mood swings. One minute she's fine...and the next minute she's tearing through the office like a giant lizard trying to take over the world. It's when she gets into these moods that we just want to run like hell. They want to know why we have moral issues, our moral issues sits in the office. We are truly scared of this woman. You never know what you are going to get with her. It's sincerely frightening. The politics in this office are the stuff that is hardest to handle. I can deal with everything else, but the problems get generated when Godzilla goes on her rampage. She ends up piting us against each other. We don't notice it's happening until we are on top of each other with our hands firmly around the other girls neck. We try to fight it, but sometimes we don't even see it coming.
Everyone says all offices are the same and this happens everywhere. I think people lie. Sure, there are politics to every job, there are issues at every job. But some people are actually happy at work. I guess I don't believe that an employer should ever make you cry. I sometimes wonder, if we are a little game to them. I feel like their latest target. Like the have the 'break down-o-meter' in their office and they want to see just how far they can push us before we completely lose it.
I just don't know what to do anymore.