Sunday, September 17, 2006


It's all over on this one.

I am approaching this two job thing a little different then the last time. When I worked for Radio Shack a few years back in my spare time, all I did was work. I never saw my friends, I never called anyone. I got up, went to the bank, went to Radio Shack and went home. Day after day. It was the same thing without any changes.

This time around I am making sure to squeeze life in there somewhere. And post first week, it seems to be ok. I am not overly-tired, cranky, or depressed. I am broke, but happy.

Sitting around my house this morning, I occurred to me how much I miss what my Sundays used to be. I miss alot of things. I miss my house being filled with friends and laughter. Don't get me wrong, my life is full of those things, just not my house. Right at this very second, I wish I was making breakfast for a bunch of 1/2 comatose people.

Sundays were a thing of beauty. I got up early. 6.30 am early so that the 3rd shifters could join us. We would all be there no matter how late we had stayed up or how icky we felt. I made so much food that we all ate til we burst. And then we sat around and played board games until the 3rd shifters couldn't hold their heads up anymore. I miss that.

I started this post when I left for work. I didn't finish it. It's now 4.30. I am back at the apartment for my lunch. What I made, isn't good, but it isn't terrible either. A can of tuna with mustard mixed together and spread on whole grain wheat bread. Dry. But health friendly.

I am actually pretty entertained by Wal-mart today. The CSM's are kissing my ass. The day is going by pretty fast.

Tonight, I have to stop by Annie's and drop off something. I am really not looking forward to it. She is kind of a pain in the ass lately. Now that we don't live together, we don't see all that much of each other. But I imagine she probably doesn't see much of anyone. She's not so great about the whole calling thing. She sits around waiting for her phone to ring and wonders why no one ever calls, when in reality, she herself never picks up the phone. I am not really wanting to go over there, but she did do me a favor and I should be grateful.

I have been getting gradually more excited for my vacation. 20 days. In 20 days, I will be in Southern California. I like the sound of that. I can't wait to see Xan too. I miss him oodles.

I don't know what else to say, so I am just not going to talk anymore.

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