Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Best Worst Day Ever...

I screwed up bad at work last night. Kiki and I forgot to do a ton of stuff as part of the closing process last night.

I heard about it immediately upon my return to work this morning. My supervisor was horribly pissed off. She demanded that I put in writing why tasks were not completed. I am pretty sure they are not going to like the note I give them that reads the following...

I Forgot.
Yup, just one more reason they are going to hate me. But after she spent a crapload of time ripping me a new asshole, all I could do was laugh. It's funny. I fucked up. Bad. It was a mistake anyone could have made, unlikely, but possible. The only thing left to do was laugh.
The Bartender took me out to lunch today and was failing to see how me being in a shit ton of trouble was funny, and was convinced I am out of my mind. I couldn't stop giggling.
I stopped and saw the Fish before I headed back to work and broke into another fit of giggles. My tummy hurt before I got back to work from all the laughing.
The really funny part is, I closed again tonight. After I had already set the alarms, I looked up and saw that I had made the exact same mistake all over again. I just started laughing again. I was laughing so hard that I actually had to sit down on the curb. I actually had troulbe breathing. It was awesome.
The day was just building into this big pile of goo and all that was left to do was laugh it off.

1 comment:

Paw and Claw Designs said...

My physical therapist told me reactions like that mean it's time to leave that situation, for good, as your body is rejecting it.

for reals...

stop laughing...