Thursday, September 21, 2006

Hello Kitty...

So, meet Satan. Well, his actual name is Damien. I think I am going to just call him kitty. I used to say that if I ever got a cat, I would name it Chandler. So, maybe.

Like I mentioned before, he is a loaner. As soon as Shanz comes back from her deployment in Iraq (she hasn't left yet), he goes back to his rightful owner.


Mark said...

That's one hairy pussy!

blacksheep said...

OOhhh, purdy kitty!

Callie said...


I have a kitten named Buddy. After we'd had buddy for a month or so, I realized I had completely misnamed him. He is NOBODY'S Buddy. At all. ever. My common diatribe when I talk about the stupid cat is that we should have named him Damien, because he has to be the spawn of Satan.

Ren said...

Whoa! He's large... And in charge.