Sunday, March 27, 2005

Things I Learned On Vacation...

1. The most dreaded word an air travler has ever heard is...delayed.
2. I will always be seated by the screaming baby.
3. You can drink enough to flirt with a stranger. (althou, I didn't wait long enough to see if anything would come of it)
4. Mild turbulance, seldom is mild.
5. When drunk, ask for assistance appling sunscreen. (I have one pink arm, and one tan one.)
6. When you are zoning out listening to your iPod at the gate, you will not notice that your brother slipped Hanson in your playlist until you are humming along tapping your toe to "mMMmbop."


Joe said...

And don't forget:

7. Brother loves you too much to send you on a four-hour flight with nothing on your iPod but Mmm Bop.

Girl Next Door said...

I am sitting here think of something witty to write....I sunburnt my brain I think...