Wednesday, March 23, 2005

And Just When I Thought The Stupidity Had Come To An End...

There is no avoiding the drama from home. My mother called this afternoon/evening. The imfamous little brother has been looking into the Coast Guard. Yes, Lady and Gentleman, I said the Coast Guard. Does he know that any branch of military will involve activity?

What a moron!!!


Mark said...

Hi! I found your blog through digitalicat's blog (your brother?). He helped me with some template issues on my blog. You're right, any branch of the military involves some sort of activity. Although the Coast Guard technically isn't a branch of the military. I'm assuming you mean combat type activity? The chances are pretty slim in the Coast Guard though, unless you're doing drug interdiction raids around Florida. I don't understand the problem though... are you anti-military?

Nice blog-

Girl Next Door said...

I am not anti-military in the least. My little brother is just a completely screw-up (but I love him). He couldn't keep a job at mcDonald's and thinks the military is the answer. Picture a dirty redneck, trailer park, gross teeth, bad breath, ratty hair, unshaven, beat up pick up that always has problems, permament plumber's crack...and then you have some idea of the kind of kid my little brother is.

And yes, digitalicat is my other brother.

Sorry for the delay...Was out of town....didn't notice comments....I am not used to people reading my page.


Mark said...

It pleases me to know that you're not anti-military (anti-iraq and anti-military are two different things, although I'm not saying you're anti-iraq either, just felt compelled to say that)It makes more sense now, after getting the description of your brother lol. Who knows though? Sometimes the military is just what people need to get things on track.

Nice Blog!

Girl Next Door said...

I am just scared he is going to shoot a nut off or something. While it's more his problem then mine, but still.