Saturday, March 19, 2005

Consider This My Living Will...

I don't know if I have just been listening to the updates in the Terri Schiavo story, but I got to thinking. Would I want to live like that for a decade? The only answer that I could come up with is that, why live like that and have to have my family hanging on a thread of hope?

If something happens and the doctors can not guarantee my quality of life will return at least 75% , let me go. Don't drag out the inevitable. Don't make it so impossible to let go, that I lay there for years and years. Know that this is what I wanted and have peace.

And while I am thinking of it, internal organs...Don't need them when I am dead. Donate 'em. Let someone else use them for awhile. Just leave my eyes. I think that's creepy.

I know it's not legally binding, but I just want someone to know what I want.

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