Sunday, June 18, 2006

Now Entering Phase 2...

A few weeks ago, my mother was pissed beyond belief at me. She was basically behaving like a child. So I stopped going over there, I stopped calling her, I stopped playing her games.

She is now in full-on kiss ass mode trying to get me back, so to speak.

Step 1: Lure me to the house with the promise of fresh fruit.

Now...I am only going over there because it is Father's Day, and I am going to see my step-father. The farm fresh strawberries are just a perk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just keep on keeping on. Eventually she will get the idea that playing games isn't worth the effort.

This same thing applies to everyone in your life. When you let someone treat you badly this time, you also give them permission to treat you badly next time.