Friday, June 15, 2007

Oh, She Is Going To Lose That Baby...

As in, actually misplace the child.

Kiki came to find me last night. She dropped the bomb on me. She's going to be a Mommy!

I just kind of sat there for a minute. Once I saw how happy she was, I couldn't help but smile for her.

I couldn't keep my eyes from scanning the newer, softer curves my dear friend is sporting. Code: HER BOOBIES ARE HUGE!

I am not going to lie. She's the last person that anyway expected would be having a child anytime soon. All I could think laying in bed was, well, I guess it's a good thing her life plan changed.

Remind me to tell you about Chad law later today. It's totally in play here.


Dirty Bunny said...


Paw and Claw Designs said...

take the baby to the vet and have that tracking chip put in it's arm!

LoJack the baby!

good luck and congrats to her!

Girl Next Door said...

LoJack. Fantastic. LOL

Mark said...

Damnit, I thought that bit in caps and different color was going to be a link to a picture of Keeks' boobs :(