Tuesday, March 06, 2007

When Did Axle Rose Start Classes Here...

I think I need to start blogging more about my classes. Not so much the classes themselves, but the people I observe in my classes.

My first class of the morning is always "General Psychology". The instructor that began the class, has apparently contracted the bird flu, or the HIV, or the herp, or some equally "ewww" disease; that has caused him to miss the last 4 weeks of class. Well, we were finally given a new instructor today. He is very unremarkable, but not the point.

We have this girl in class, who on day one, presented herself as the "overachiever". Over dressed, a little too formal for a morning class. She even went so far as to attach herself to the lone Indian student (who we just assume is the smart girl, based solely on our racial biases. I know. I judge books by their cover. Sue me. At least I am not in denial about it).

Anyway, so..."girl" today, morphed herself into Axle Rose. She had the most horrid tiny little braids over her entire head. They looked dirty, greasy and appeared to have been done by a 6th grader. These braids were "controlled", so to speak by a ratty blue do-rag. To add to this, she was wearing a hoodie that didn't quite fit her which appeared to have been purchased at Hot Topic. This didn't exactly compliment her low rise jeans that revealed her "jelly roll".

Well, evidently, the look on my face was priceless when she walked into class, because Binks, the girl I know socially through Melly, about spit her coffee across the desk at me. My "wtf" was clearly displayed for the class to see. My only comment was,

"When did Axle Rose enroll?"

I'm going to hell.

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