Sunday, December 03, 2006

How Did I Not Know About This...

So there I was. Cruising Wal-Mart. Waiting for my laundry to finish. Wandering through the electronics department. Suddenly, the heavens opened. The angels burst into jubilant song and a light shone down on one product.

I WANT THIS SO DAMN BAD! Mother-fucking She-ra! That is my childhood right there.

After I was done geeking out in the middle of the aisle, the responsible-broke as hell adult in me walked away.

Once I can see light again with bills, I am soooo getting this.


Paw and Claw Designs said...





Ren said...

It's the little things, isn't it?

HST said...

I want you to know that since you placed she-ra in my head, it helped me put the mack on a guy on an airplane. A cross country "thank you" is in order.