Thursday, December 21, 2006

The Changing Face Of Employment...

When I first started in my current full-time job, they were the most generous place I had ever even heard of. We received gift certificates at Thanksgiving to help purchase our family turkey dinner. I always bought booze. Everyone celebrates in their own way...this was mine. We received gifts at Christmas, a healthy profit based bonus, and a very nice holiday party.

Times they are a changing. No Thanksgiving help this year, I was sober at Thanksgiving! The tragedy! No holiday party, but instead a snow tubing outing on a Thursday night. What the hell is that about? They are warning that our bonus may not be the stuff of dreams. My first year here, my bonus was over $700. Last year, it was barely $200. How much more undream-like can it really get? The only good thing going on this year has been that instead of a fruit box and cheeses, they gave us gift cards for Christmas. That $50 was way more appreciated then a few oranges.

And now, one of the more compassionate people on the upper management team annouced his retirement today. It's not looking so good for the little guy right now.


Paw and Claw Designs said...

i keep telling everyone not to go to the one in Minocqua, hence supporting the evil tyrants.

if you move closer to Minocqua, you shodul come work by the one i got to..they're kick ass.

note my FABULOUS attempt at keeping things "on the down low."

i'm sure it sounds just assy.

Paw and Claw Designs said...

* i meant "go to" of course, it's not MINE, though it is a pretty place to go and they always have cookies and coffee and let me use the photocopier.
If i win the lottory, maybe i'll buy it.